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Pixel Conversion & All Channel
di Avantify
Da $1,99/mese

Pixel Conversion & All Channel

di Avantify
Track ad: Facebook, Snapchat, Tiktok & Twitter
Da $1,99/mese

Info su Pixel Conversion & All Channel

    With only one click, no login you can track all customer actions such as viewing products, adding items to the cart, initiating payment, and making purchases
    Easily integrate tracking across all channels such as Facebook, TikTok, Twitter, Pinterest, and Snapchat
    Bypass iOS 14 & ad-blockers with conversion API
    Analyze and measure the performance of your Social Media ads
Why is it necessary to install a pixel on your store? What happens if you run ads without a pixel? Without a pixel, crucial customer information will be missed, and the opportunity for effective retargeting ads with the highest ROAS may be lost. However, with Avantify, we can help you collect customer actions and information so that you can run retargeting ads to increase conversion rates. Avantify supports all channels such as Facebook, TikTok, Twitter, Snapchat, and Pinterest, with the ability to track five important events: Page View: Every page that your visitors land on will be fully tracked through the pixel. View Content: When a visitor views a product page. Add To Cart: When a visitor adds an item to the cart. Initiate Checkout: When a visitor proceeds to checkout. Purchase: When a visitor places an order. By implementing Avantify and tracking these events, you can gather valuable insights about your customers and optimize your retargeting efforts, ultimately increasing your conversion rates.
Disponibilità:L'app è disponibile in tutto il mondo.
Lingue dell'app:

Valutazione media

(Sulla base di recensioni)
Ordina recensioni per

Piani e prezzi

Pacchetto Basic


Support 5+ channels: Meta, Tiktok, etc
Capture action from view to purchase
Data insights to fine-tune ad campaign
01 Pixel
Pacchetto Standard


Everything in the basic plan
03 Pixels
Pacchetto Professional


Everything in the standard plan
Conversion API (bypass ad-blockers)
10 Pixels
Pacchetto Advanced


Everything in the professional plan
Conversion API (bypass ad-blockers)
Unlimited pixel
* Il prezzo è in USD.

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