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CSV Order Notifications
di Prism Tech Studios
Giorni di prova gratuita: 30

CSV Order Notifications

di Prism Tech Studios
Adds CSV email notifications to your store
5.0 (2)
Giorni di prova gratuita: 30

Info su CSV Order Notifications

    When an order is placed, receive an email with an attached CSV containing all order details
    Receive a daily or weekly summary email with a CSV of all unfulfilled orders
    Receive a daily or weekly summary email with a CSV of all orders placed through the site
    Send notification to a custom email address
• Seamlessly integrate with third-party systems by automating operations with any system that accepts CSV data • Automatically receive data to use in order analysis • Receive data every time an order is placed. Receive an email notification with a CSV attachment containing key information like price, item, variant and shipping information • Regularly receive full email summary data. Choose to receive order summary CSV data on a daily or weekly basis • Receive reports on unfulfilled orders. Receive CSV summaries of all unfulfilled orders on a daily or weekly basis
Disponibilità:L'app è disponibile in tutto il mondo.
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App sviluppata daPrism Tech Studios

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Questa app offre una prova gratuita di 30 giorno/i
Pacchetto Order Notifications


Email alerts w/CSV for new orders
Regular email summaries of orders
* Il prezzo è in USD.

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