Presenta e riproduci i tuoi podcast—tutto in un unico posto
Sincronizza i podcast da qualsiasi luogo utilizzando RSS
Aggiungi episodi audio e video
Personalizza il contenuto e il design delle pagine degli episodi
Puoi connettere podcast da SoundCloud, Libsyn, Spotify e altri e condividerli direttamente sul tuo sito Wix. Mostra le tue selezioni e i nuovi episodi verranno automaticamente aggiornati e visualizzati sul tuo sito.
Good but limited on the links to subscribeLinks to Subscribe have Google Podcasts which is now superceeded with Youtube Music. Please fix and allow adding of other Podcast play sites. Need a handful of top ones so subscribers come in.
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Fleischmanm/ Oct 25, 2024
Good but limitedI like it and i have made it my default player when I send my podcast to people, but I can not find a way to 1) share the podcast episode from the...
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Btatchev4/ Aug 19, 2024
It work well but it is not of immediate comprehension It work well but it is not of immediate comprehension.
You need to enter in the settings of the applet and insert a valid RSS Podcast source. Basic but efficient. I like it.
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Me73382/ Aug 8, 2024
Any way to monetize access?Hi there,
It looks great so far but is there any way to monetize your podcast directly on Wix? I'll use other third-party sites for my podcast content, but would like to give my...
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Vivacurtopia/ Jul 9, 2024
Not a fanIt has a couple very annoying features:
- No page or place to include transcripts of episodes.
-takes several extra seconds to load after the rest of the page has loaded.
Not a fan>>>
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