Zero Maintenance: As seller, you only need to setup once and Reperks will help you sell your deals.
Zero Code Installation: One-click widget installation that just works
Auto-Generated Coupons: Coupon codes are automatically generated for each deal and reward.
Full Language Customizations: Translate widget to any languages, even Na'vi!
With Reperks, merchants can easily setup powerful and highly customizable rewards loyalty program to retain customers and increase lifetime value.
Reperks Differentiation: Campaigns
One of Reperks biggest differentiation is that merchants can easily setup campaigns to boost store engagement. Below are examples of campaigns you can setup with Reperks
- Seasonal Campaigns - Give additional 100 points when customer spent more than $200 during month of August
- Product Campaigns - Give additional 100 points when customer purchase any products with name containing "Jacket" during month of August.
- Bonus Campaigns - Give 100 bonus points when reviews are submitted with photo/video.
- Discount Code Campaigns - Give additional 100 points when customer placed an order of at least $100 and used discount code "100POINTSAUGUST".
- Milestone Campaigns - Give 500 points when customer hit $1000 lifetime spent with store.
Migrating from Other Rewards Loyalty Program
Reperks allows you to import existing members data and points via CSV.
For GDPR, our servers and data are hosted in EU.
Can't Find Where To Cancel ServiceIt has been an ongoing battle trying to cancel this service. Half the time the website will not load, I can change my plan but there is no option to cancel.
team OnVoard
What's your store url? Why don't you contact us directly first to get help? I can't find a user or store searching "amberdwatkins".
I'll welcome you to open a ticket at and let...
Grazie per il feedback
Assureskinnatural/ Aug 29, 2022
love it
Grazie per il feedback
Ptytravels/ Jul 8, 2022
the best of the bestteasy to set
Grazie per il feedback
Kayayotube/ Jun 7, 2022
çok iyi
Grazie per il feedback
Briieartistry/ Jun 3, 2022
so far so goodEasy to step up and the layout is nice. will update.
(Update ) Uninstalled unable to add widget to site.
team OnVoard
Hi Briie, I have dug into your setup. The reason why the widget is not shown on your site is because you have turned off "Display".
I have follow-up on a separate email to...