Pacchetto On-demand delivery
On-demand delivery within Bangkok Metro Area. Price varies by types of vehicle and item;
1) Motorbike delivery of documents or parcel 48 THB + 8.5 THB/km (for the 1st-30th km)
2) Motorbike delivery of food 39 THB + 8.5 THB/km (for the 1st-30th km)
3) Car 100 THB + 10 THB/km (for the 1st-20th km)
4) Pickup Truck 200 THB + 13 THB/km (for the 1st-100th km)
5) Box Truck 250 THB + 13 THB/km (for the 1st-100th km)
More detail please visit * Il prezzo è in USD, fatturato da SKOOTAR.