Various Types Of Bars: Create the most fitting announcement bar for your needs. Contains Text Bar, Order Count Bar, Countdown Bar, Email Capture Bar.
Fully Customizable: Contains all settings you need to make it blend with your brand.
Easy 2 Minute Setup: Easy to install. Simply create a notification bar and activate it to appear on your store.
Mobile Friendly: Fully responsive across desktops and phones. Be confident that your customers will see your bars across devices.
Salesdish Announcement Bars app is a simple yet highly versatile app that can serve multiple purposes that will suit any scenario. Be it informing your visitors about promotions or updates, capturing their email addresses, offering a discount, or increasing their trust.
What type of bars I can make?
· Text bar - a simple, static bar that will display the text that you choose. This can be specifically useful if you want to inform customers of some promotions, shipping delays, etc.
· Free shipping bar - a dynamic bar that will calculate and display how far away your visitors is from reaching free shipping, based on the shipping rules set up in Wix / a fixed target amount you set.
· Order counter bar - a bar that will display how many orders you have on your store, using actual data directly from Wix, which will increase your visitors' trust.
· Countdown timer bar - a beneficial bar if you're running special, limited-time promotions, which will display the countdown until the offer expires to create urgency.
· Email capture bar - a handy bar that will let you capture your visitors' email addresses and offer them a discount code for doing so, which they can use in your store.