Piattaforma di gestione eventi per biglietti e RSVP
Installazione gratuita
Panoramica Eventi e biglietti Wix
Vendi biglietti o raccogli RSVP per i tuoi eventi
Crea mappe dei posti a sedere e offri biglietti con posti dedicati
Organizza eventi singoli o ricorrenti in luoghi fisici oppure online
Registra gli ospiti e gestisci i membri del personale con l'app mobile Check-in
- Crea e gestisci biglietti con prezzi fissi o variabili, "Scegli tu il prezzo" o anche gratuiti.
- Organizza eventi singoli o ricorrenti in luoghi fisici oppure online.
- Progetta la piantina della tua location con il Generatore di mappe dei posti a sedere. Aggiungi posti, sezioni e tavoli e assegna i biglietti a ciascun posto.
- Personalizza i tuoi biglietti in PDF con immagini e loghi. Personalizza i caratteri, i divisori e gli sfondi dei biglietti per adattarli al tuo brand.
- Promuovi il tuo evento con buoni, post sui social e altri strumenti marketing avanzati.
- Invia ai tuoi ospiti inviti personalizzati via email.
- Assicurati di ricevere i pagamenti tramite provider di servizi di pagamento come Wix Payments, PayPal, Stripe, e le principali carte di credito.
- Scansiona i biglietti o registra manualmente gli ospiti all'ingresso con l'app Check-in.
- Autorizza i membri del personale a registrare gli ospiti.
- Monitora le vendite dei biglietti, le visite al sito e RSVP insieme alle statistiche più avanzate sul tuo evento.
I doesn't work and they can't fix itI went through three techs and they can't fix it. useless
team Wix
Thanks for reaching out to us. However, we can see from your chat with Customer Care, that you have been using an external app "Events Calendar" and the issue you are facing is...
Grazie per il feedback
Info908841/ Dec 24, 2024
Useful but not fair**Review for Wix Platform Ticket Service**
The Wix platform’s ticket service is undeniably a useful tool for event organizers. It simplifies the process of creating, managing, and selling tickets, offering a seamless...
team Wix
Thank you for your feedback and for recognizing the value our ticketing tool provides. We’re glad it helps you simplify managing your events and ticket sales.
The 2.5% fee supports the maintenance and enhancement...
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Arek155/ Dec 16, 2024
Beware of the additional 2.5% commission for WIXDespite paying for WIX subscriptions, a service fee is required for each ticket sold - this is very poor. All other plugins, e.g. for restaurants, hotels, e-commerce do not have a commission and...
team Wix
Thanks for reaching out. Our 2.5% ticket service fee supports the maintenance, development, and enhancement of the Wix Events ticketing platform, which operates separately from the website creation and hosting covered by your...
Grazie per il feedback
Fredrikallanson/ Dec 4, 2024
GoodIt works for me most of the time, would love to be able to set up a waiting list for the tickets as well though
team Wix
Thanks for your review! We're currently collecting votes for the waitlist feature - you can vote for it here https://support.wix.com/en/article/wix-events-request-waitlists-for-ticketed-events
Wix Events Team
Grazie per il feedback
Tarmus/ Dec 2, 2024
RSVP doesn't workThere is no way to make the RSVP or buy button work.
team Wix
We're sorry for the inconvenience. If you're still experiencing issues with your RSVP button, we'd suggest to contact our Customer Care team to resolve this https://support.wix.com/en/article/contacting-wix-customer-care-for-support
Kind regards,
Wix Events team
Grazie per il feedback
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