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Create Custom Fonts Easily with Colors & Stylק
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Panoramica Artifont

Apply Custom Fonts Directly in the Editor
Add Custom Text Boxes Directly from the App
Seamless and Secure Integration
Create and Apply Custom Fonts with Colors, Images, and Animations The Artifont app allows you to import and use fully customized fonts on your website, including headings and text. Unlike standard fonts, Artifont lets you design text with vibrant colors, embedded images, and even animated elements like GIFs—bringing your typography to life. Edit your fonts anytime in the Artifont editor, and updates will sync automatically to your site. The app seamlessly integrates with your website, enabling you to open and edit text boxes directly while maintaining full compatibility with the platform’s text system. Customize text box sizes to fit different content areas, such as headings, columns, and more. Connect your fonts effortlessly with a single click, and enjoy built-in font optimization for fast loading times and smooth performance. Note: A free registration on the Artifont website is required to use the app
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