Human Age Digital
Human Age Digital
Winning websites for progressive candidates & mission-driven organizations
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Chi è Human Age Digital

Let us create your campaign's digital megaphone and make a good 1st (and 2nd and 3rd) impression with a beautifully designed, mobile-responsive website! Human Age Digital helps progressive political... candidates and mission-driven organizations connect with their audiences and maximize their outreach efforts. We pride ourselves on being a one-stop-shop for every one of your digital technology and design needs. We offer: - Website Design - Website Redesign - Migration of your website from any other platform to Wix - Simple Classic Design to Advanced Design
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Servizi offerti
Sviluppo del brandFotografia professionaleMigrazione sito webSito web mobileDesign sito web classicoDesign sito web avanzatoAggiornamenti sitoContenuti visiviRiprogettazione sito webLogo personalizzatoConfigurazione pubblicità

Servizi e tariffe

Progettazione sito web (5)

Incarichi semplici (1)

Marketing e promozione (1)

Graphic design (4)

Design sito web classico

Ricevi un sito web di base con un tema.
A partire da 2.500 $

Design sito web avanzato

Ricevi un sito web con elementi grafici personalizzati, funzionalità avanzate e altro ancora.
A partire da 4.000 $

Riprogettazione sito web

Ricevi un tema e un design nuovi per il tuo sito web.
A partire da 2.000 $

Migrazione sito web

Usa la tua grafica e i contenuti esistenti in un nuovo sito Wix.
A partire da 1.500 $

Sito web mobile

Rifai il look al tuo sito per migliorarne l'aspetto sui dispositivi mobile.
A partire da 500 $


Maryanne Walker

11 nov 2023

Vedi progetto
Garrett is nothing short of amazing! He took our idea for a site and turned it into something we had not imagined. As our site is part of our product offering, Garrett's work will add tremendous value... and help us to stand out from our competition. In addition, Garrett was always quick in getting back to us, communicated very well, and went above and beyond. He delivered work to us before we expected it and his professionalism was top-notch. I cannot say enough about Garrett and his work. After working with him, I would not use anyone else for our technology needs.
Servizio fornito: Design sito web avanzato


7 nov 2023

Vedi progetto
Hired Advertai to create a webpage for my business. They were helpful getting the right look for my site and did so at a reasonable price, while completing the job ahead of schedule. Definitely recommend....
Servizio fornito: Design sito web avanzato
Risposta del professionista
Thank you. It was great working with you!...